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Bike Hire and Demo Bike
Terms & Conditions

Please make sure you read through our T&C's before hiring from us.

Your enjoyment and experience with us is key to what we do here at Trail Munki Ltd.

Before you book or hire a bike from us please read through our terms and conditions of hire. 

You will need to be able to ride a bike, be in good health, have appropriate foot wear and be able to provide photo ID before hiring with us. Please read our full Terms and conditions below.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff.

Cycle Hire Terms and conditions

• To hire a bike proof of identity must be provided. This will be retained as a security deposit for
   the duration of the hire period.
• Valid proofs of identity: Driving Licence, Passport, Car Keys.
• As the Group Leader, I understand that I am responsible for the all equipment relating to this
  agreement. I confirm that I will be responsible for the payment of any damage (including
  third party) caused as a consequence of any dangerous cycling, loss of control and
• I confirm that we are all competent cyclists. I recognise we will be riding bikes which we may
  not be familiar with and as such we will exercise additional care and attention. Every rider
  can use gears properly, adjust the saddle height and have no medical conditions which
  could affect their ability to control a bike.
• We strongly recommend that anyone using our bikes wear a cycle helmet. Should anyone
  in the party not wish to do so, a helmet waiver will need to be signed. Riders not wearing a
  helmet assume full responsibility for any injury that may occur as a result of not wearing a
• Please cycle sensibly at all times, and with respect for others and the environment. Cyclists
  are expected to follow the Highway Code when on the road, and show respect for other
  users when on off-road tracks.
• Anyone aged under 18 years old will only be issued with equipment when accompanied by
  a supervising adult and must wear a cycle helmet as a condition of hire.
• Bikes should be returned by the time and to the location stated on the hire form. Returning
  bikes outside of this time may result in an additional charge being made to cover the costs
  of staffing.
• We reserve the right to charge for cleaning time if a hire bike is returned in an excessively
  dirty state.
• We reserve the right to charge for damage to a bike incurred during the hire period.
• Refunds are only offered per bike, not per group. Refunds cannot be given for punctures, or
  for damage caused by incorrect use of the equipment.
• We reserve the right not to hire to an individual or group.
• I fully indemnify Trailmunki Ltd against claims of injury to myself or any third party unless it
  can be proven that Trailmunki Ltd did not fulfil reasonable maintenance procedures for the
  equipment being used.
• The Agreement is covered by English Law. In the event that any part of the Agreement is
  unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect.

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